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Christmas Convoy logo

Extreme Roofing is very excited to announce the Christmas Convoy, an initiative to collect donations to Foodbank and help those in need.

The convoy will happen in Cromwell and Wanaka in partnership with the local Foodbank of each town and we would like to invite you to be part of this heart-warming initiative. You can bring non-perishable food, candies, toiletries, toys and other items that can make Christmas more joyful for those who Foodbank have been supporting.

See below the details of each Christmas Convoy:

Extreme Roofing is joining forces with other companies in this already tradition Christmas Convoy to collect donations.

Our team will be on Pisa Moorings area together with local scouts collecting the food donated.

Date: Wednesday, 6th December
Start: 6:00 pm
Donation accepted: non-perishable food, candies, cans and other items.


In Wanaka, Extreme Roofing is organising the Christmas Convoy to collect donations for the Community Networks/LINK Foodbank.
With the help of the Wanaka Police, it will be two convoys running simultaneously, that will stop for around 10 minutes at different locations in Lake Hāwea, Hāwea Flat, Albert Town, Northlake and Wānaka.

Date: Saturday, 16th December
Start: 10:00 am
Donation accepted: non-perishable food, candies, toiletries, toys

Bring your donations to the collect points below.

CN-LINK dual logo

Collect points Convoy 2


Peninsula Bay Community Facility

Holy Catholic Church 

Wanaka Primary School

Parking of The Cell (in front of St John’s)

Allenby Park 

Pembroke Park

Water Sport Facility - rowing club

Wanaka Cemitery

In front of the Medical Centre

Wanaka Community Hub

Join the Christmas Convoy and help those in need



Collect points Convoy 1

 Lake Hāwea, Hāwea Flat, Albert Town & Northlake

in front of Hawea Store & Kitchen - Lake Hāwea

Bike Park Lake Hāwea
Cemetery Rd – Lake Hāwea

Hāwea Flat School

​in front of Four Square - Albert Town

Riverside Community Facility – Albert Town

End of Gunn Rd (access to the track and public toilet) – Albert Town

Northlake Bike Park - Northlake

Three Parks parking (between the Warehouse and New World)

* The route can change without previous announcement.

Christmas Convoy Stops convoy 1
Christmas Convoy stops in Wanaka
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